Thursday, June 30, 2011

Bringing in the big guns

Two posts in one day--wow, I must have a lot of free time on my hands. HAHA!! It's just a rare moment of quiet here, though I can hear Stella squeaking so my time is nearly up...

Now I have someone lined up to help with the housework. This took a battle with my conscience, feeling as though I should be doing it all. But this weekend when the big girls were away, I spent the ENTIRETY of my "free time" cleaning. Seriously. Didn't even watch a TV show. And that's freakin' ridiculous because the house is STILL NOT CLEAN.

My tub has not seen the likes of a scrub brush since B.S. (Before Stella) and I just avoid taking a bath rather than actually clean it. There's so many other pressing issues--we need to have clean dishes, clean clothes, and food to eat, so there just doesn't seem to be time for "EXTRAS" like cleaning a big tub when you have a perfectly good shower right next to it.

So it's time to call in the reinforcements. I'm sure it will be awkward at first, having someone else doing the cleaning in your own house. I just can't take living n the mess anymore...

I've been taking the girls to do stuff OUTSIDE of the house every day because being stuck at home is more stressful--I am just surrounded by constant reminders of how short I fall from getting it all together. So if taking 3 kids under 4 out on the town daily is less stressful than being at home, then it is time to admit defeat!!! I just cannot do it all, and paying for these services is paying for a little shred of my sanity back.

Time to bring in the big guns...or big mops!


  1. I was talking about how amazing you are today with my mom! You taking your three young girls out so often has just amazed me. I am hoping to be that great of a Mom one day. I don't think you need to feel even remotely guilty about getting help with the housework. You are doing so well with your girls and are giving them so much, and you'd have to take away from that to do the cleaning--and goodness knows your free time definitely should see a nap or something for you instead of tub scrubbing! Enjoy it!

  2. There is nothing better then cleaning people. Every other Tuesday, we walk into our house and just sigh because its SO clean. Even if we were better at keeping up with the day-to-day stuff, the pros really get in the nooks and crannies.. DO IT!
