We went out to get some delicious seafood at Fant's tonight (and WHY didn't I know this place existed the first 4 years I lived here???) I had a pile of boiled shrimp on my plate, as well as some fried, assuming Amber would eat some of the fried ones.
WRONG! She only went for the boiled shrimp. "They're spicy!" I told her, but she dug in anyway. After one bite, she yelled out "SPICY!" but then kept going back for more. After 4 or so jumbo shrimp, she decided she was experienced enough to peel them herself.
I didn't think much of it--if she got some shell in her mouth, then surely she'd spit it out. What I DIDN'T think of was how much SPICIER the shell is than the actual shrimp...
Well, little Amber Claire took a bite and either got shell or got really close to some shell she left in there, and she went crazy! "SPICY SHRIMP!! SPICY SHRIMP!!!" she started screaming in the restaurant (though I only noticed one table to even take note of the fact that this kid was going nuts at the table next to them). The poor kid had tears rolling down her face, and I kid you not, she drank almost an entire styrofoam cup of water. She just kept sucking on that straw for about 2 minutes.
But did that stop Amber! Heck, no! She finished up that shrimp and came back for another after that! She was pretty miserable in the moment, but I'm glad she didn't let it ruin the whole boiled seafood experience for her!
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