Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Adventures in Potty Training Part One

In the last week I've decided to make a valiant attempt at potty training Amber Claire. Notice I've entitled this entry "Part 1." This ensures that there will be a 2nd part, and very likely many more with this brick-headed child.

I kept waiting to start with the potty till she showed all those infamous "signs" I read about on the internet. She showed most of them quite some time ago, but that first attempt was a total flop. After about 2 days, when I'd ask if she needed to go, she'd slam the lid down on the potty and scream "NOOOOO" at the top of her lungs.

And so we begin again. However, I'm not sure who's really getting potty trained here--me or her. I'm the one who keeps popping up every so often to put her little fanny on the pot, and she's done well (I'll spare details). BUT, she has yet to tell me on her OWN that she needs to go BEFOREHAND. Am I dreaming to think she might just walk up and say "I need to go" or better yet, just go in there herself?? Maybe if I wait till she's 13...

You can't just ASK her if she needs to go--according to her, she never has to go. But my favorite part might be what she does when you ask--She holds up her fingers and says "In 3 minutes, mom." And when I ask again 3 minutes later, she gives me the fingers again.

She's very big into the number 3 right now, and counting in particular. But she hasn't yet grasped the concept of higher numbers meaning MORE of something--like that 10 apples are way more than 2. She just LIKES certain numbers better than others. I know this will be short-lived, but I can enjoy it for the time being.

ME: Amber, what a good girl for going on the potty! Would you like 5 mini-M&Ms? (My bribe of choice)

AMBER: No, mom. THREE! (with big smile on her face.)

ME: OK, then. If you insist! (With even bigger smile on my face)

Poor kid! I know this will be short-lived, but I can enjoy it for the time being.

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